ome, holy Spirite, most blessed Lorde,
Fulfyl our harts nowe with Thy grace,
And make our myndes of one accorde,
Kyndle them with love in every place.
O holy lyght, moste principall,
The worde of lyfe shewe unto us,
And cause us to knowe God over all
For our owne Father moste gracious.
O holy fyre, and conforth moste swete,
Fyll our hertes with fayth and boldnesse,
To abyde by The in colde and hete,
Content to suffre for ryghteousnesse.
O Lorde, Thou forgevest our trespace,
And callest the folke of every countre
To the ryght fayth and truste of Thy grace,
That we may give thankes and synge to Thee.
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