20 September 2023

Schillebeeckx-lecture in Leuven

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p 5 oktober is in Leuven de achtste Edward Schillebeeckx-lezing door Eleonore Stump en Kathleen McManus. Titel: Suffering, Vulnerability and Flourishing. Understanding the Rule of God in Face of Human Suffering.

Tekst van de theologische faculteit Leuven:

Although we sometimes praise a person who suffers for not sinking under his suffering, we still suppose that the sufferer is to be ranked more among life’s losers than among life’s winners. Even if we think of a person who stands under his suffering as heroic, we tend to think of whatever is good in his life as happening in spite of the suffering. And, in general, we are inclined to find perverse anything that values the suffering itself. On the contrary, anything that undermines physical or mental thriving strikes us as lamentable.

From the Patristic period onward, the Christian tradition has held a roughly analogous position as regards suffering in general. Clearly, there is something right about the contemporary unreflective rejection of suffering as bad. Someone who valued suffering as an intrinsic good would be mentally disturbed at best and evil at worst.

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But there is nonetheless something worth exploring in the Christian attitude towards suffering as a gift.

When confronted with suffering, how do Christians understand God’s rule in creation and on the cross and what does it mean for the church to embody the rule of God in its own structures, doctrines, symbols, and rituals?

16.00 Welcome and Introduction Prof. Stephan van Erp
16.10 Lecture Prof. Eleonore Stump
16.45 Lecture Prof. Kathleen McManus
17.15 Questions
17.45 End

Registration is required. Please register at: schillebeeckx@kuleuven.be

5 October 2023
Kleine Aula, Augustinusvleugel 00.15, Sint-Michielsstraat 6,
Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, KU Leuven

Eleonore Stump en Kathleen McManus

Sprekers: classicus en filosoof Eleonore Stump (links) en theoloog en dominicanes Kathleen McManus, beiden uit de VS

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11 februari 2022
Leestijd 2 min

Schillebeeckxlezing Tomas Halik in Leuven

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